Freelance DKP: Item History

Standings | Raids | Events | Item Values | Item History | Summary | Stats

Date Buyer Item Raid Value
05/17/19 Dimbly Scaleborn Gloves Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
05/23/19 Windreaper Scaleborn Gloves Facet Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers 150.00
06/20/19 Hrutfel Scaleborn Gloves Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 50.00
07/26/19 Paye Scaleborn Gloves Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
08/01/19 Magnumus Scaleborn Gloves Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 50.00
08/16/19 Dimerall Scaleborn Gloves Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 70.00
08/31/19 Amaryah Scaleborn Gloves Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 50.00
09/14/19 Doonks Scaleborn Gloves Facet Skyfire - End of Empire 50.00
09/21/19 Lanadar Scaleborn Gloves Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
09/28/19 Aeaan Scaleborn Gloves Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
07/12/19 Meleeic Scaleborn Pants Facet Skyfire - End of Empire 50.00
07/20/19 Faldyarr Scaleborn Pants Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 50.00
07/20/19 Beedlin Scaleborn Pants Facet Skyfire - End of Empire 50.00
08/16/19 Borean Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
08/17/19 Raiena Scaleborn Pants Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 50.00
08/24/19 Clawbar Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 70.00
08/31/19 Akryne Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
08/31/19 Spriggenx Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
09/14/19 Jamazing Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
09/14/19 Lashlaklak Scaleborn Pants Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 50.00
04/21/18 Macebus Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 380.00
05/19/18 Doramurx Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 511.00
05/25/18 Padraigg Scaleborn Pants Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 500.00
06/14/18 Reyek Scaleborn Pants Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 400.00
10/18/18 Twoma Scaleborn Pants Facet Skyfire - End of Empire 300.00
11/01/18 Landaru Scaleborn Pants Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 300.00
11/08/18 Evilash Scaleborn Pants Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 250.00
12/01/18 Exzerker Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 350.00
01/25/19 Darkarma Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 225.00
02/22/19 Kaloha Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 180.00
03/08/19 Dimbly Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 300.00
05/25/19 Windreaper Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 125.00
06/01/19 Tyranosawr Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
06/14/19 Nintap Scaleborn Pants Facet Skyfire - End of Empire 50.00
06/27/19 Paye Scaleborn Pants Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 70.00
07/04/19 Fromunda Scaleborn Pants Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 50.00
07/05/19 Jahlelin Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
07/05/19 Zimmak Scaleborn Pants Facet Skyfire - End of Empire 50.00
09/13/18 Toransa Scaleborn Pants Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 400.00
09/22/18 Dokhopper Scaleborn Pants Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 400.00
09/22/18 Vulvana Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 430.00
10/11/18 Poddo Scaleborn Pants Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 400.00
10/12/18 Dimerall Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 350.00
10/12/19 Trommel Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
10/18/19 Paraxe Scaleborn Pants Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 50.00
11/14/19 Synkraft Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
12/07/19 Ratbo Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
01/16/20 Succuba Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
01/31/20 Furro Scaleborn Pants Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
11/21/19 Trommel Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
11/28/19 Hrutfel Scaleborn Shoes Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 50.00
12/05/19 Cinilya Scaleborn Shoes Facet Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers 50.00
12/14/19 Mennhitt Scaleborn Shoes Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 50.00
01/16/20 Furro Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
07/26/18 Mten Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 300.00
08/03/18 Windreaper Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 350.00
09/22/18 Twoma Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 350.00
09/29/18 Reyek Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 430.00
04/13/18 Poddo Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 165.00
04/26/18 Kevsaiyan Scaleborn Shoes Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 180.00
05/04/18 Nintap Scaleborn Shoes Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 230.00
05/19/18 Toransa Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 300.00
07/18/19 Borean Scaleborn Shoes Facet Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers 110.00
07/26/19 Paye Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
09/14/19 Lashlaklak Scaleborn Shoes Facet Skyfire - End of Empire 50.00
03/07/19 Dimbly Scaleborn Shoes Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 150.00
03/29/19 Remslaren Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
04/19/19 Spriggenx Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
05/11/19 Lanadar Scaleborn Shoes Facet Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers 50.00
05/23/19 Minasu Scaleborn Shoes Facet Sathirs Tomb - Crypt Robbers 50.00
06/07/19 Jahlelin Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
10/18/18 Rulolin Scaleborn Shoes Facet Skyfire - End of Empire 250.00
10/27/18 Hoberr Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 300.00
11/10/18 Landaru Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 275.00
11/10/18 Vulvana Scaleborn Shoes Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 270.00
01/11/19 Evilash Scaleborn Shoes Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 250.00
01/19/19 Faldyarr Scaleborn Shoes Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 120.00
01/19/19 Darkarma Scaleborn Shoes Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 166.00
10/18/18 Dimerall Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 470.00
10/19/18 Whitestripe Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 390.00
11/17/18 Gruesula Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 250.00
11/23/18 Darkarma Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 213.00
12/08/18 Windreaper Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Skyfire - End of Empire 275.00
02/02/19 Landaru Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 275.00
05/26/18 Idaran Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 410.00
06/02/18 Kazmin Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 360.00
06/09/18 Padraigg Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 425.00
06/09/18 Ghanda Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 400.00
06/14/18 Rulolin Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 400.00
07/28/18 Poddo Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 350.00
09/07/18 Vulvana Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 396.00
03/15/19 Hoberr Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 268.00
04/06/19 Snakein Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 199.00
04/18/19 Dimbly Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 200.00
05/03/19 Darkweber Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 75.00
05/09/19 Kaloha Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 100.00
05/17/19 Borean Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 50.00
05/23/19 Paye Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 87.00
06/01/19 Nintap Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Overthere - Fell Foliage 80.00
06/13/19 Zimmak Scaleborn Sleeve Facet Gorowyn - Balance of Power 50.00
... found 50681 item(s) / 100 per page

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