Freelance DKP: Viewing Recorded Raid History for Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke

Standings | Raids | Events | Item Values | Item History | Summary | Stats

Recorded Raid History for Plane of Smoke - Rise of Smoke
Added By: Admin Updated By: N/A
  Date Attendees Drops Note Value
View 04/17/20 54 0 Server crashed during loot 1.00
View 03/05/20 41 11 First win! Awesome job everyone! 27.00
View 05/15/20 56 14   24.00
View 07/25/20 48 11   25.00
View 07/17/20 41 11   33.00
View 07/10/20 50 9   16.00
View 07/02/20 48 14   25.00
View 06/25/20 52 11   18.00
View 06/19/20 49 11   19.00
View 06/13/20 55 10   16.00
View 06/05/20 51 11   19.00
View 05/28/20 57 12   18.00
View 05/23/20 54 7   15.00
View 05/09/20 50 10   18.00
View 05/02/20 58 12   24.00
View 04/25/20 60 11   21.00
View 04/11/20 53 13   22.00
View 04/02/20 51 11   19.00
View 03/28/20 50 15   23.00
View 03/19/20 53 15   23.00
View 03/13/20 39 8   27.00
Average: 50 10 Total Earned: 433.00
... found 21 raid(s)

  Date Buyer Name Spent
View 07/25/20 Deadiam Lesser Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 07/25/20 Tinimus Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 07/25/20 Deadiam Dark Water's Lifeblood 100.00
View 07/25/20 Tinimus Arc of the Saffron Sky 100.00
View 07/25/20 Tinimus Girdle of the Heart's Torrent 100.00
View 07/25/20 Deadiam Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Chest Muhbis 250.00
View 07/25/20 Shigal Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 07/25/20 Fromunda Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 07/25/20 Vulvana Ondine Cloth Robe Ornament 10.00
View 07/25/20 Shigal Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 07/25/20 Shigal Glowing Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 07/17/20 Squiles Girdle of the Heart's Torrent 100.00
View 07/17/20 Chamus Dark Water's Lifeblood 100.00
View 07/17/20 Deadiam Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Arms Muhbis 200.00
View 07/17/20 Quazzi Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Chest Muhbis 250.00
View 07/17/20 Chamus Black Battleworn Sporran 100.00
View 07/17/20 Missanthropy Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 07/17/20 Vulvana Ondine Plate Hands Ornament 10.00
View 07/17/20 Tantrom Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 07/17/20 Mirytauro Lesser Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 07/17/20 Mirytauro Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 07/17/20 Hothar Blazing Euphoria Attacker 50.00
View 07/10/20 Blackfang Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 07/10/20 Vulvana Ondine Leather Helm Ornament 10.00
View 07/10/20 Lycaness Greater Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 07/10/20 Zenwind Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 07/10/20 Lycaness Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 07/10/20 Blackfang Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 07/10/20 Darktank Ash Flickering Cape 100.00
View 07/10/20 Leeyo Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 07/10/20 Darktank Arc of the Saffron Sky 50.00
View 07/02/20 Wonderlove Depths Singing Blade 100.00
View 07/02/20 Wonderlove Dark Water's Lifeblood 100.00
View 07/02/20 Leeyo Arc of the Saffron Sky 100.00
View 07/02/20 Syco Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 07/02/20 Squiles Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Feet Muhbis 100.00
View 07/02/20 Syco Black Battleworn Sporran 100.00
View 07/02/20 Miszus Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 07/02/20 Toobuku Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 07/02/20 Rogcoo Greater Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 07/02/20 Vulvana Ondine Leather Arms Ornament 10.00
View 07/02/20 Miszus Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 07/02/20 Toobuku Depths Singing Blade 25.00
View 07/02/20 Toobuku Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 07/02/20 Tantrom Lesser Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 06/25/20 Vulvana Ondine Leather Feet Ornament 10.00
View 06/25/20 Chiyome Dark Water's Lifeblood 50.00
View 06/25/20 Ketsup Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 06/25/20 Bleggz Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 06/25/20 Whalosie Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 06/25/20 Squiles Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 06/25/20 Vylant Arc of the Saffron Sky 100.00
View 06/25/20 Chiyome Girdle of the Heart's Torrent 100.00
View 06/25/20 Lophophora Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 06/25/20 Chiyome Glowing Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 06/25/20 Missanthropy Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 06/19/20 Titzy Lesser Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 06/19/20 Dimbly Ondine Leather Feet Ornament 10.00
View 06/19/20 Persephone Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 06/19/20 Owmy Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 06/19/20 Marsmage Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 06/19/20 Missanthropy Depths Singing Blade 100.00
View 06/19/20 Missanthropy Ash Flickering Cape 100.00
View 06/19/20 Sunspark Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 06/19/20 Nilanu Blazing Euphoria Warding Magic 50.00
View 06/19/20 Titzy Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Feet Muhbis 50.00
View 06/19/20 Titzy Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 06/13/20 Vastly Ash Flickering Cape 50.00
View 06/13/20 Lashlaklak Greater Spellbound Ring 50.00
View 06/13/20 Harmoniey Ondine Plate Feet Ornament 10.00
View 06/13/20 Lashlaklak Smoldering Skies 50.00
View 06/13/20 Geekysongz Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 06/13/20 Bubbulz Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 06/13/20 Crampton Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 06/13/20 Marsmage Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 06/13/20 Marsmage Greater Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 06/13/20 Defiant Arc of the Saffron Sky 100.00
View 06/05/20 Dokhopper Blazing Euphoria Casting Magic 50.00
View 06/05/20 Hothar Fate's Accumulator 10.00
View 06/05/20 Vulvana Dark Water's Lifeblood 100.00
View 06/05/20 Viji Arc of the Saffron Sky 100.00
View 06/05/20 Dokhopper Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 06/05/20 Clawbar Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 06/05/20 Sostenes Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 06/05/20 Titzy Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 06/05/20 Titzy Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 06/05/20 Sostenes Depths Singing Blade 50.00
View 06/05/20 Quazzi Greater Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/28/20 Quazzi Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/28/20 Maym Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/28/20 Eanny Girdle of the Heart's Torrent 50.00
View 05/28/20 Scornmalady Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 05/28/20 Skythefox Ondine Cloth Robe Ornament 10.00
View 05/28/20 Maym Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 05/28/20 Agency Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/28/20 Darkweber Greater Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/28/20 Quazzi Girdle of the Heart's Torrent 100.00
View 05/28/20 Quazzi Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Hands Muhbis 100.00
View 05/28/20 Eanny Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 05/28/20 Pryest Blazing Euphoria Defending Fire 50.00
View 05/23/20 Twoma Girdle of the Heart's Torrent 100.00
View 05/23/20 Zimmak Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 05/23/20 Skythefox Black Battleworn Sporran 100.00
View 05/23/20 Darkarma Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 05/23/20 Faldyarr Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 05/23/20 Evangela Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/23/20 Harmoniey Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Hands Muhbis 50.00
View 05/15/20 Bummak Blazing Euphoria Protecting Fire 50.00
View 05/15/20 Agency Lesser Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/15/20 Reccoo Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/15/20 Bummak Ash Flickering Cape 100.00
View 05/15/20 Eanny Depths Singing Blade 100.00
View 05/15/20 Frenzistrike Lesser Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/15/20 Frenzistrike Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/15/20 Frenzistrike Minor Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/15/20 Magnumus Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 05/15/20 Kevsaiyan Ondine Chain Wrist Ornament 10.00
View 05/15/20 Sumii Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 05/15/20 Bummak Black Battleworn Sporran 100.00
View 05/15/20 Slinger Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Chest Muhbis 250.00
View 05/15/20 Scornmalady Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 05/09/20 Lanadar Girdle of the Heart's Torrent 100.00
View 05/09/20 Luthernhamner Fate's Accumulator 10.00
View 05/09/20 Darkweber Blazing Euphoria Defending Fire 50.00
View 05/09/20 Keldassan Dark Water's Lifeblood 100.00
View 05/09/20 Mennhitt Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 05/09/20 Darkarma Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 05/09/20 Vulvana Ondine Leather Hands Ornament 10.00
View 05/09/20 Hothar Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 05/09/20 Reyek Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 05/09/20 Helicoprion Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/02/20 Lestazia Lesser Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/02/20 Dimbly Ash Flickering Cape 100.00
View 05/02/20 Kevsaiyan Ondine Chain Hands Ornament 10.00
View 05/02/20 Scornmalady Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 05/02/20 Raiena Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 05/02/20 Slinger Black Battleworn Sporran 100.00
View 05/02/20 Maym Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Legs Muhbis 200.00
View 05/02/20 Darkweber Dark Water's Lifeblood 100.00
View 05/02/20 Darkweber Glowing Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 05/02/20 Canneto Dark Water's Lifeblood 100.00
View 05/02/20 Owmy Arc of the Saffron Sky 100.00
View 05/02/20 Agency Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 04/25/20 Adobo Glowing Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 04/25/20 Aeaan Ash Flickering Cape 100.00
View 04/25/20 Whitestripe Girdle of the Heart's Torrent 100.00
View 04/25/20 Minasu Arc of the Saffron Sky 100.00
View 04/25/20 Aeaan Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Legs Muhbis 200.00
View 04/25/20 Dimbly Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 04/25/20 Darkweber Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 04/25/20 Keloden Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 04/25/20 Vulvana Ondine Plate Hands Ornament 10.00
View 04/25/20 Swen Minor Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 04/25/20 Eanny Minor Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 04/11/20 Adobo Ondine Cloth Robe Ornament 10.00
View 04/11/20 Bumkus Fate's Accumulator 10.00
View 04/11/20 Reccoo Lesser Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 04/11/20 Hothar Arc of the Saffron Sky 100.00
View 04/11/20 Centare Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 04/11/20 Windreaper Black Battleworn Sporran 100.00
View 04/11/20 Tyranosawr Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 04/11/20 Sumii Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 04/11/20 Dimbly Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Arms Muhbis 200.00
View 04/11/20 Ekarax Arc of the Saffron Sky 50.00
View 04/11/20 Reccoo Stoneshadow Balefire Ring 50.00
View 04/11/20 Mredd Lesser Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 04/11/20 Holyana Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 04/02/20 Minasu Greater Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 04/02/20 Vulvana Ondine Cloth Hands Ornament 10.00
View 04/02/20 Bubbulz Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 04/02/20 Vrinda Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 04/02/20 Reyek Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 04/02/20 Poddo Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Feet Muhbis 100.00
View 04/02/20 Bumkus Stoneshadow Balefire Ring 100.00
View 04/02/20 Jasson Arc of the Saffron Sky 100.00
View 04/02/20 Twoma Glowing Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 04/02/20 Adobo Glowing Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 04/02/20 Hothar Blazing Euphoria Assaulting Magic 50.00
View 03/28/20 Helicoprion Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/28/20 Canneto Fate's Accumulator 10.00
View 03/28/20 Lanadar Stoneshadow Balefire Ring 100.00
View 03/28/20 Landaru Depths Singing Blade 100.00
View 03/28/20 Twoma Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Head Muhbis 100.00
View 03/28/20 Rulolin Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Head Muhbis 100.00
View 03/28/20 Keldassan Black Battleworn Sporran 100.00
View 03/28/20 Faldyarr Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 03/28/20 Toransa Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 03/28/20 Minasu Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/28/20 Persephone Minor Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/28/20 Sombrelame Greater Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/28/20 Sombrelame Greater Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/28/20 Frenzistrike Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/28/20 Dimbly Ondine Cloth Feet Ornament 10.00
View 03/19/20 Lanadar Lesser Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/19/20 Issam Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/19/20 Issam Lesser Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/19/20 Doonks Glowing Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/19/20 Borean Ondine Chain Feet Ornament 10.00
View 03/19/20 Centare Glowing Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/19/20 Hothar Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 03/19/20 Eeline Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 03/19/20 Rulolin Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 03/19/20 Skythefox Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Hands Muhbis 100.00
View 03/19/20 Lanadar Dark Water's Lifeblood 100.00
View 03/19/20 Zimmak Arc of the Saffron Sky 100.00
View 03/19/20 Bubbulz Greater Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/19/20 Sumii Dark Water's Lifeblood 100.00
View 03/19/20 Darkweber Girdle of the Heart's Torrent 100.00
View 03/13/20 Maym Blazing Euphoria Casting Fire 50.00
View 03/13/20 Dimerall Median Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/13/20 Padraigg Ash Flickering Cape 100.00
View 03/13/20 Toransa Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Chest Muhbis 250.00
View 03/13/20 Windreaper Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Feet Muhbis 100.00
View 03/13/20 Luthernhamner Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 03/13/20 Adobo Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 03/13/20 Vulvana Ondine Leather Legs Ornament 10.00
View 03/05/20 Padraigg Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis 50.00
View 03/05/20 Faldyarr Depths Singing Blade 100.00
View 03/05/20 Skythefox Depths Singing Blade 100.00
View 03/05/20 Twoma Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Feet Muhbis 100.00
View 03/05/20 Dimbly Ondine Leather Wrist Ornament 10.00
View 03/05/20 Dimbly Girdle of the Heart's Torrent 100.00
View 03/05/20 Eeline Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 03/05/20 Adobo Exultant Inhabited Muhbis 250.00
View 03/05/20 Gilgiraffe Minor Spellbound Ring 25.00
View 03/05/20 Vulvana Girdle of the Heart's Torrent 100.00
View 03/05/20 Canneto Greater Spellbound Ring 25.00
... found 227 item(s)

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